Friday, February 5, 2010

Good Friday

I have been a bad blogger! I'm so busy with the externship and working that I barely have time to shower let alone check and write new posts. Sorry about that fellow bloggers. Anyways I have some exciting news.

My school only holds 2 graduation ceremonies a year, one in spring and fall. The spring one is scheduled for March 15, but technically I won't finish my extern hours until the beginning of April, so I wasn't included on the list. After several unanswered phone calls, emails, and faxes I finally got in touch with the program director and she agreed to let me walk early. So all that hard work, the good grades and all that payed off for me. They are gonna let me graduate early. I won't receive my degree that night, the book will be empty but thats okay by me. I get the chance to walk across that stage and show my family and friends what I've accomplished! I've come along way and I am so proud of myself for sticking it out and earning a college degree.

Had anyone asked me 5 years ago if I thought I'd be able to call myself a college graduate, I would have laughed at them, and then asked them for $20 to cop dope. Things have changed.

On another good note, last night at work I was waiting on this little old guy who is a recent widower. He had been to his wife's grave and was cold, and hurting. I didn't do anything special, just talked with him and gave him a hot cup of coffee but he did something really nice for me. When I went over to clean his table I scooped up the tip and in the midst of the one dollar bills was a crisp, new $100 bill! I don't know if this was a mistake on his part but he was already gone and I had no way to ask him. I slid it in my apron pocket and went on with my shift. Thank you for making my night sir, you have no idea what it meant to me!


  1. Hi

    I've been trying to comment on your blog for forever now.... Hopefully this will go through...

    I've been reading your blog for a while now and I'm glad you're gonna be at the graduation even if just walking the stage. Congratz!! :)

    And I think that little old man just appreciated the hot coffee you gave him on a cold night. I think he saw how nice of an person you are :)

    You must enjoy your weekend!!! :)

  2. Congratulations brndoutw8ress! All of your hard work will be recognized and you should be very proud of your accomplishments. *I* am proud of you and I hardly know you! :o)


    Empty book be damned, that is irrelevant I agree!

  3. -throws confetti- Congrats!

    Whoa..he left you a what? Wow...I guess being nice really does pay off well at times. XD

  4. applause...applause...applause!!!

    Cheers! Cheers! Cheers!

    OMG, as I was reading this I got all teary-eyed.



    I wish I could be there to watch you walk across that stage!

    And listen, whatever you did for that man was very special. I'm sure you helped him in a way that touched his heart deeply.

    Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!

    X ya!

  5. congratulations!! that is awesome that you get to walk. that's one thing i regret. all those years of hard work and i didn't walk as i graduated in december and was working come may.

    and the end of your post? reminds me that there are some truly wonderful people out there and the human race isn't totally screwed. glad you had a good night - you deserve it.

  6. bernadine,
    I hope that you not being able to post to my blog has nothing to do with the way I set it up, bc I really wouldn't know how to resolve it anyways, I'm computer illiterate for the most part! Glad this one made it through, thank you for the support and good wishes! Keep comin back and I'm gonna head on over to your place to check you out!

    Salty Miss J,
    I love your pic!

    Yep empty book be damned! My paper degree will come in the mail but my acomplishment will be stored in my heart forever!

    Great now I have confetti everywhere! Yea I really thought that guy would come back in and say he made a mistake, I saved his $100 bill just in case but he never came back to claim it! I hope I made his night a little better.

    thank you for the support, I'm proud too! How are you doing in all the snow!

    That's a shame you didn't get the chance to walk, that's exactly why I pursued this so hard. I didn't want to miss my chance. Every once in a while I am reminded that the human race isn't completely fucked!
