It's the beginning of my favorite season...fall! I absolutely am in love with the smells and beautiful colors that surround us during this time. I just love pulling out my favorite old worn ratty jeans and sweaters and heading off with my dad to a high school football game or just taking a book to the park and enjoy the world around me.
Does this sound corny? Oh well I don't really care if it does. I love this time of year. Some prefer summer but for me it's just too damn hot ( well not so much this time around ) and others like spring ( too wet ), while others enjoy the winter ( oh HELL no, too damn cold ). I wish I was a little kid again so I could rake up a giant pile of leaves and just jump into them! My brother and I used to do that all the time and it was just so much fun. I guess the innocence of youth may have had something to do with that but it was just plain AWESOME!!!!!!!!
Living here in Pittsburgh I have noticed for the last few years that we don't get the whole 4 seasons like we used to. I miss them, well not winter anyway. I'm no environmentalist but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out - our climate is changing. No this is not going to be a post about global warming or the hole in the ozone layer, just a happy, nonchalant blurb about my love of autumn.
I've been struggling the last few months and having this good feeling is a huge relief for me. If you've never stopped by you wouldn't know what I'm referring to but any of you guys out there that have been here since the beginning know what I struggle with. I don't want to go into it and spoil the warm feeling in my heart so I won't. I'm just going to sit on the back porch and enjoy the beautiful fall evening!
Anyone else out there a fan of autumn? I'd love to hear from you....