This is what I feel like.
Thank God I only have 2 more weeks left to go on my externship! It is seriously taking a toll on my physical and mental well-being. I am so ready just to be done with it.
It doesn't help that this weekend was like a clusterfuck, chaotic mess at the restaurant! Holy shit, I ran my ass off and I am beat. It wasn't a good kinda busy. I hate when it's like this. Don't get me wrong I'd rather be busy and make money than stand around looking pretty, but when it's crazy insane like it has been, I'm not doing my job. I am not giving good service to people, I am literally throwing food at them and walking away. They're lucky if I make it back in time to refill their drinks. I don't like waiting on people like that. As much as I hate waitressing, I am good at it and I take pride in doing it well.
Of course at the end of the night when I count my money it's all worth it, but I can't get rid of the sinking feeling that customers went away unsatisfied. I don't like that.
But on the bright side...I'm waiting to hear from the insurance company that I interviewed with. Everything seems to be going well. The last step was filling out the online application. Now I play the waiting game. I hate waiting. It's driving me crazy not knowing if they're gonna hire me or not. I just want to know. I hope they offer me a position. If they do, my waitressing days are OVER!
Keep your fingers and toes crossed for me my wonderful "tiny heads", this girl needs all the help she can get!
Hope everyone is enjoying life. No more snow over here in PA, thats a good thing. In fact I think it's going up into the high 40's this week! I cant' wait.
Well I am pooped and I need to crawl my ass into bed and get some sleep!