Isn't it funny how attached we become to our family pets? My parents have had Sammy and Kiki for as long as I can remember. They were 2 of the nicest cats; a little shy but loving and finnicky as hell. They're old, atleast 15 and it seems as though Sammy has seen better days. She's stopped eating and is laying lifeless in the kitchen. Her breathing is labored and she starting to drool on herself. It's time.
My father just called me, and I can tell from his shaky voice that he's trying to hold back the tears; it didn't work. I feel so awful for them, my parents, this is never an easy decision to make but we all know it is the right one. I cannot stand to see a helpless little animal suffering. Sammy will have peace now, she will be missed and will always hold a special place in my heart.
Goodbye Sammy, thank you for adoring our family and showing us the unconditional love of a cherished family pet. We love you girl.